Microsoft Office Live Workspace is Public

After 3-4 months of private beta testing,"Microsoft Office Live Workspace" beta has finally been made public.This project took shape as part of the Microsoft's 'Software plus Services' strategy, is an answer to the Google docs and Zoho office suites.Start using it if you a Windows Live Id or sign up for one here

To get started with the primary purpose of office live workspace, you can save over 1000 average sized office documents [like word,ppts,PDF,images,texts etc.,] online and share with others in a controlled manner.You can create notes,lists internally.This comes with an internal viewer that lets you view the popular documents in a web page format. Files of types that cannot be viewed internally,have to be saved to the computer and viewed with the supported application.For example a .zip file.Microsoft Office prevents certain file types from uploading for security purposes.For example a .exe file.For a complete list of blocked file types refer Blocked File Types.

Recycle Bin Microsoft Office Live Workspace comes with the Windows popular Recycle Bin, to restore the deleted documents.

Office live Workspace lets you create several Workspaces serving your your office,home,project etc., purposes to organize your documents.These workspaces also comes with some standard template files you can customize for your purposes.

Microsoft live Workspace comes with an online storage of 500MB and a cap of 25MB on individual document.

Document Versioning Microsoft office Live Workspace automatically save a version of the Microsoft office document if more than 12 hours of time elapsed since your last edit or if some other people changes the document since you last revised it.Only a document owner can delete or restore a save a version.

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