NCERT awards 1000 Scholarships to talented students of Class X each year under the National Talent Search Scheme. 150 scholarships are reserved for Scheduled Castes and 75 for Scheduled Tribes. The scheme provides financial assistance in the form of a monthly scholarship and an annual book grant. Candidates who are awarded the scholarship receive financial assistance upto Ph. D level in Social Sciences, Basic Sciences and Commerce. Candidates pursuing professional courses like Engineering, Medicine, Management and Law receive financial assistance upto Master degree.
Selection for scholarship has two stages. The first stage selection is made at the level of States/ UTs through a written examination. Candidates qualifying the first stage examination will be eligible to appear for the second stage examination conducted by NCERT as per the dates given below
State Level: | Mizoram, Meghalaya, Manipur and Nagaland | 26th November 2005 (Saturday) |
| All other States and UTs | 27th November 2005 (Sunday) |
National Level | All States and UTs | 14th May 2006 (Sunday) |
Only regular students of class X in recognized schools from States/UTs are ELIGIBLE to appear in the first stage examination in the States in which the schools are located. No domicile restriction is imposed.
States/ UTs may charge fees for examination/ form for the first stage exams. However, NCERT does not charge fees for the second stage examination.
The written examination will be in two parts, both at the State/UT level and at the NCERT level. Part I will be the Mental Ability Test (MAT); Part-II will be the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). SAT will contain items from Sciences, Social Sciences and Mathematics of Class IX and X. At the second stage there will also be an interview.
Application Forms will not be provided by NCERT. They will be available with Liaison Officers (LOs) listed below. Completed forms should be submitted to LOs through Principals of the school. Last date for submission of application form will be notified by the LOs and will be at least 60 days before the date of examination.
Common Application Form can be downloaded from here.
The Results of the first stage examination will be announced by the respective states/UTs. The result of the second stage examination will be declared by NCERT.
Indian Students Studying Abroad can appear directly for NTSE under conditions prescribed in the NTSE brochure which is available on the NCERT website. Indian students studying abroad are exempt from the first stage examination and may directly appear for the second stage examination conducted by the NCERT. Applications of Indian students studying abroad may be sent to the undersigned on plain paper.