Carnatic Music

Looking for an online portal where you can hear the Carnatic music.I have recently come across this Raaga portal.Nice collection for music lovers.

GMail is Public?

Heard Gmail is open for public registration,means now no invitation is needed to get a gmail account.In my India browser I do not see any link allowing me to signup for a GMail account.In the USA browser I see the link "Sign up for Gmail",but still its being redirected to the Mobile based sign up.I guess it should have been removed for some reason or other...

Try Microsoft Office 2007

Here goes two ways to try the new Office suite from Microsoft.
1]Web based Test Drive Here
2]Download the trial version.This is valid for two months[60 days] Here
If you just want to know the look and feel of the product try the first one,If you seriously want to explore the suite go for the second option.From here you can easily upgrade to the Full version.
